

oh lord, I feel like crap.

So after Kathryn finally woke up yesterday, we went to maccas and had breakfast/lunch/whatever (at 6.30pm), then came back here to eat. She decided to go home to get more sleep. which was exactly what I was going to do. But then Stevie-baby called from work, and decided (for us) that we were going to go to see LotR instead, and that he’d be home in 15min. Yeah, right. That call, was at about 7.30, and he finally got home at about 8.50pm. Hah. And LotR started at 9.00pm at Central, which is about a 15 min drive. Of course, he had to get changed and whatnot before we left, so we finally sat down in the cinema at about 9.20. woohah.

Considering that I was fighting to stay awake by the end of it, I’m not really sure if I liked it or not. I think I was slightly disappointed by it, but I felt so tired that I’m not really sure why. I need to see it again, and being more awake the second time around would definitely be an advantage. I think I understand what niveau was saying about it ‘lacking the narrative and art’. Though not necessarily ‘lacking’ narrative, just that it was so dispersed between the multitude of plots and sub-plots, that all hope of following the narrative was lost. Though, I will admit that I could have suffered that difficulty due to my over-exhausted state. I also found myself laughing aloud at the the “censored homosexual relationship between Frodo and Sam”. There should have been a delicate sense of art to such a classic tale, but in contrast to Niveau, I found that LotR 3 lacked in the same way that Matrix 3 lacked, not Matrix 2. Matrix 3, I felt, failed to live up to the excitement of Matrix 1 & 2. It seemed slower, and not quite as climactic as it needed to be. LotR 3 was that, and with such disparate narrative, that the supposedly climactic battle scenes seemed to be so logically planned, that it lost the elements of surprise and suspense.

Though, as far as the battle scenes go, I have to say that I enjoyed watching Legolas’ elephant surfing, which “Still only counts as one!”

I know I risk flaming having said all that, but that’s my opinion.


    1. I agree, I think I’ll wait until it’s out on DVD, though, having said that, Steve wats to see it again, and I’ll probably get dragged along with him. I just need to see it on a day when I’ve had more than 5 hours sleep in the last 36.

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