number two hundred

number two hundred

grab your favourite drink, break out the streamers and confetti. i was actually pretty surprised when i realised that this would be the 200th entry.

so surprised that i’m almost lost for words. i guess i just don’t realise how much i write. considering that the journal is also just a month shy of being a year old..

so much has happened over this past year. a lot of people have come and gone. they are mostly documented here.. though there’s one missing person that i haven’t mentioned here. t.. its almost a month since i saw her last. i promised myself that i wouldn’t talk about that here. but, i’ve decided to leave the tub to her, should she ever return to claim it. it was hers to begin with, and its the right thing to do. even though i love that place, it’s hers. i won’t be uploading it anywhere else.

warning: complete change of subject ahead.

i had (another) really odd dream this morning. it was set in medieval times, in France, i think.. i was a member of a royal family, that was going through internal upheaval. basically, one side of the family (which included me) were being imprisoned, one by one.. so as this was happening, gradually, the remaining members were escaping into the attic, and living there.

t’was most odd..