observations on a few days here… (with ranting)

observations on a few days here… (with ranting)

realisation has struck me over the last few days : a number of events ranging from meeting up with young Daniel, to meeting the girls living upstairs, to meeting up with a few artist-people from way back, brought home strong realisation that I’ve changed, and they haven’t. “They” being this city, the artists, the people of this city, some of whom I came back here to see.. (not you, Dan). Damn disclaimers. Spent most of Thursday night talking and talking and drinking wine and talking with the girl upstairs, ironically enough, named Angie. Who she is, and what she’s done with her life are probably irrelevant to you, and all that matters is this: during a time when I have limited time to spend getting to know new friends, I’ve finally met a person I could really befriend.

a couple of things that have annoyed me of late:
* no one looks you in the eyes in this city. What’s with that? No one walking the streets, is prepared to interact in that primary, base level of human communication: eye contact. However, they cling for dear life to their mobile phones.

  • super-efficious arrogant lying bitches and cowardly bastards.. particularly the one bitch who decided that lying to my family would be a good idea. If her brother is reading this (which I doubt) he should know that she did more “damage” to our “friendship” than you ever could. don’t even TRY to tell me she didn’t lie. The version of events and the situation that my mother heard, was vastly different to what I KNOW, and to what you should know. So you tell me who I should be more disappointed in: her for deciding to lie to my family; you, for telling her it’s a good idea to lie to my family; or you, for lying to your family. You tell me, sweetie. But I’ve had enough of that kind of bullshit. I’m sorry that things happened the way they did – I actually respected you. Once.

And I’ve said enough.


  1. Brisbane seems to have changed lately. The eyes of the public look down at the ground and away from each other, and for those that do make eye contact – it feels like they’re sizing you up as either threat or meat. It doesn’t have to be this way. And there is a temptation to do something about it on a few levels. Is it the weather, do you think? Or will summer hold something nastier for those of Brisbane to face? It’s almost like the guardians of the city (if you can call the council that, tongue-in-cheek) have deserted WHO they’re supposed to be stewards of.

    1. Indeed. Though, one may say, I’ve recently become accustomed to a population which, though small, is friendly, and tends to look you in the eye in recognition of another human being. You might say that I’m noticing the lack of that recognition here in Sunny Bris-vegas.

    1. good question. Though I could go get one, without somewhere to put it, it’s rather useless. I’d explain in email, but I can’t get to that today (odd library regulations and full bookings). Perhaps I’ll be able to post something to the messageboard at tigerbalm.

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