oh god..

oh god..

wasting time surfing various lj’s via the random link.. jUsT fOuNd OnE tHaT tIpEs lYke ThIs… kill me.. there must be someone intelligent out there.. great.. next on the random list is a cutter.. next up, a stupid goth girl, all NIN lyrics, pics of her ‘phunkee’ hair, and wailing about being alooone.. (don’t get me wrong, I like NIN, hell, I’ve even quoted them, and I’ve wailed, but there’s more to life.) hrm, this one’s in spanish.. (the only english on the page was the mood indicator thingies).. next..


  1. Blah

    nice… nice… nice… i agree.. though the journals with blah blah blah blah… and blah.. make me pissed… but hey i found u on random..so i win… hmm…. screwdriver..whothoughtof that name of an utensil.. or screw.. hmm..alphabets..theyare werid…really… ?and why do peoplestart sentences witha capital letter and end witha puncuatioN ?why not the other way arounD … okay keep thoughts to urself karyn..carry em on…dotn scare poeple… good girl..eat teh treat.. breath…


    1. Re: Blah

      better than that, who thought of naming things at all? and why is it that the name seems more important than the function; why are there such things as the double entendre; why do people place more emphasis on the meaning inherent in the words, and assume that meaning has something to do with the picture; why is it that capitals are standard fodder for the begining (or the end) of a sentence, rather than being reserved for times when they are Deserved?

      the wonders of language..

  2. lost in a mirror

    Next thing you know the colour schemes will all look the same, and then the words will all be alike, and then the themes will all blend into nothing-particularly-interesting. Hey, if I didn’t know better I’d call this mediocrity, and for that there is no ‘democratic’ cure.


      1. Re: lost in a mirror

        I’d be inclined to shudder violently and fall on the floor twitching *chuckles*, but other than that – probably not. Critics could possibly claim it’s the best piece of artwork they’ve ever seen… and not even that would surprise me, just make me more cold and cynical.

        So do you do installations? interesting…


        1. Re: lost in a mirror

          I’d probably be twitching myself.. neon-pink isn’t exactly the most nerve-friendly colour out there..

          hrm.. installations based somewhere on the edge between painting and sculpture, i guess.. the line between 2D and 3D gets a little blurry to me sometimes..

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