oh my god! was she really naked?

oh my god! was she really naked?

not quite.. but after watching the rushes, it looks like i might be.. which is what the script called for.. it was an intense shoot.. even dismissing the fact that i was semi-naked in my bedroom with three guys (princess, the director; Hamish, the cinematographer; and the lead actor, Clayton, who i only met this morning) it was very focused.. i was worried for a while that i had accidentally done a Sharon Stone…… a Basic Instinct moment is not what i want the rest of the Brzbn art scene to see….. but thankfully, no. (i demanded to see the footage.. after watching it three times.. i was convinced i hadn’t.. whew..)

i have to say though (if you’ll allow me a moment of ego-flexing).. my legs looked great..

the guys were unbelievable.. very casual.. but very professional.. especially Clayton.. my god he’s done some work in his time.. he’s had bit parts in Hollywood productions that have been done down the coast, tv shows, modelling, he’s worked as a photographer for National Geographic, a lot of freelance photography work for fashion magazines.. and he’s only 29… and yet he looks 24.. if that.. so anyway, he was really professional about it. what really put me at ease, was that one of the first stories he told me about past film work he’s done, was a love scene, where the director called cut, and the girl kept going. the way he told it was insanely funny..

the best thing about it was that we clicked.. he instantly put me at ease, by babbling about my paintings… he wasn’t attempting an academic reading of them.. just talking about how difficult they would be to photograph.. we got through the difficult scene without princess and Hamish having much input at all.. apart from hamish’s “ahh, if you come in from there, i won’t have you in shot, so it’d be better to do this…babble babble” and “slow it right down, make sure you pause, just as the door is open this much, and i’ll get the fingernails, then walk in, and i’ll get your legs going past..” all princess really had to say was the usual “yea, that looked great” or “do that again, just slow it down”

(hmm..i say difficult, because of logistics….. don’t ask about me kneeling on the bed beside Hamish, not being able to get up.. bad camera angle. bad.)

the button trouble was the funniest thing though….. very serious scene…right as i’m about to drop the shirt, my “dang long fingernails lol” prevented me from undoing the button.. eh, it defies description, you had to be there.. if i get game enough, i may post the blooper somewhere.. bug me about it if you really want to see it.

so then we did the party scene… good lord.. talk about logistical problems.. you try perching yourself on the very edge of a sofa, right next to someone else, while wearing that skirt and heels, leaning forward, but in towards him at the same time, to put your glass down between his legs, and not fall off the sofa… the movements had to be choreographed to her internal monologue, and the conversation.. so i had two sets of lines, and the very specific movements to go though.. aiighh.. Hamish said it looked fantastic though… very smoothe.

(note to t.. remember the freak match guy Andre? “smoothe.. with an e..” it was like that.. i was Andre.. talk about having to act)

all in all a great shoot.. now all we have left to do, is the scene where Clayton gets to hit me with a brick.. whee! 😀

that’ll be Saturday..

tomorrow is princess’s birthday.. we’re going to the pub for a long lunch with all his friends from college.. if anyone knows what i was going to get him, tell me.. i had a great idea for a gift for him, but i’m damned if i can remember what it was..

i’m surrounded by taureans.. lovely people..