“ohh, but now i realise what you’ve DONE…”

“ohh, but now i realise what you’ve DONE…”

i have so much to talk about.. and i should leave some of it for another time.. but for the moment, i’ll talk about art.

yes. art. that again.

the opening for the show went well.. a lot of people, a lot of talking.. this time there was more talk about the work than gossip… Kim was impressed.. he called the show a “bold move” for me.. seeing as my work has been more 2D or ‘paintings’ more recently, and going back into installation is a difficult step, but he thought i had done it well.. he was impressed.. i love kim. i really respect his work, and the way he approaches art.. chris was very impressed.. he had a few interesting points about the works.. the surface of the black boxes were like those amusement park mirrors.. very reflective, but never giving a true reflection of reality.. i liked that thought….. the boxes are essentially paintings waiting to happen, and that’s not neccessarily a true reflection of the reality (seeing as the “are” the works, themselves, and the image will never happen). i talked to Ilona.. she’s off to South Australia for 6 weeks, back here for a week, then off to South Korea for a year.. i’ll miss her.. she finally gave me back the book i lent her last year (hehe.. i hope it ‘served’ her well… dont ask, you dont want to know).. lots more happened.. i finally met Leander, who i’ve heard about for ages.. (he’s a friend of Leon’s) he seemed to think that we had met before, but i’m pretty certain that we haven’t.. i’ve heard so much about him, that i’m sure i’d have remembered meeting him. he finally put 2 and 2 together, and realised the i was the one that dated his cousin 8 months ago.. heh.. Leander was all “oooOOOOoooo THAT’S who you are….” and i replied with “yea.. so?”

i talked to Leon, too.. he seems to be over his problem, whatever it was.. i still have no clue what that was all about.. i was talking to Lou about it later.. even though she talked to him about it at the time, she doesn’t really understand it either.. it was so intense though.. he seemed to be so adamant that i was the problem.. yet, every time i’ve run into him lately, he’s been smiling, and seemingly happy to see me.. maybe he wants to put all that behind him.. i dunno..

so i had my interview this morning.. it went pretty well, i think.. its a radio show, that’s run by the director of one of the major galleries in brzbn.. i’ve met him quite a few times, and he never seems to remember me.. but.. he remembered me today SHOCK .. but the main thing is, that he was impressed with the show.. he had read the work right, which i am so pleased about.. i’m so used to people mis-reading my work.. i had a lecturer in art college that always mis-understood my work.. i’m not sure if Baldy understands me yet.. he didn’t show up the other night, which doesn’t surprise me..

artbeat. the presentation went well.. we decided on the priority areas for development.. and most of those are the main areas that are under my control.. the communication section (IE: ubArboard) and the ezine.. i have to get ubArboad undArway, and finalise the editorial committee structure in the next few weeks..

mum called last night.. i’ll talk about that some other time.. tomorrow, maybe. i’m still getting over the call.. its so unlike her to be so emotionally analytical…. bleh..