oooh, procrastination

oooh, procrastination

hmm.. what did i do today..? i slept in (YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY) i got 15 hrs sleep or something like that.. hoo boy, and aren’t i awake now..? so i spent most of today procrastinating, and fiddling with things that i don’t need to do at the moment…you know.. learning dreamweaver.. fiddling with desktop images in photoshop.. trying not to think about the 58757452452 tons of work i should have been doing, or the 6 paintings i have to finish..

oh oh oh, the dream, the dream.. i had the ODDEST was all about this new building (when i dream about ANY building, it’s rarely a new one…) anyway, it was a skyscraper.. supposedly.. i walked in through the front entrance and over towards the elevator.. i noticed this guy standing, waiting. he looked at me, and said “i don’t normally see you here this time of morning, you must be new”.. i replied that yes, i was.. it was my first time in the building, and had come to see what all the fuss was about.. “oh, about the building being built on its side? yes, that was quite controversial” then the elevator doors open..we step inside, and the doors close, and the lift starts shooting backwards.. then this guy starts telling me how he doesn’t actually work in the building, but in one next door, but the elevator is quicker and cheaper than public transport, or driving.. so at this point, i realise just how fast this lil elevator is travelling… we’re talking faster than your average sports car.. and it’s starting to make me feel a tad sick.. but this guy in the elevator with me, is still rambling on about the ‘controversy’ about the building.. apparently, the design was so unstable, that they couldn’t build it upright, it would have fallen over in a week.. and by this time, the elevator had reached the top/end, and the doors opened.. the guy walked out.. straight over to the window.. climbed out.. and walked off….. then i looked around, and realised that there was only one room in the entire building.. and that was here, on the very top floor…..

odd.. that dream woke me up at about 1am.. i went straight back to sleep though..

actually, i think i’m ready for a lil more sleep..
