open letter to those that know me.

open letter to those that know me.

Things are odd, things are crazy, things are not quite what I thought they’d be or hoped for. I’ve been gone, been away, blocked, blocking, hidden and hiding, and I may have left it too long to come back, but I’m here, I think. I’ve had things to deal with, sort out, wonder, ponder and fix. I don’t think I’m done, but it’s better, at least. I can cope with the things I’m dealing with, as well as other things that are superfluous, new and extraneous.

T’was a series of internalised dramas, and I simply didn’t have it in me to bring them out into the open air, and asking for help just seemed weak, and almost too much trouble (only because I would have to start a long way back to explain it, whereas to keep it internal, meant simply taking myself away for a week and a half. Additionally, only if you really, truly know me and how I think, would I be able to start the explanation at mid-point, and there’s probably only about two people on the planet I could do that with – one is too far away to really be of help, and the other has his own stuff to deal with).

Not to worry, this isn’t a sob-session, just a simple ‘where I’m at’ update.

This could almost be an asta-post, but I felt it necessary to put it here.