

i feel like hell. i woke up with the worst migraine. it’s lightened to a dull ache now, so i guess thats a good thing.. last night was simply horrid. i haven’t felt that sick for quite some time. i was thinking about all this last night when i was trying to get to sleep (the room was spinning at the time, so forgive me if this makes little sense).. but i have gotten through all this nausea quite easily.. i mean, i’ve thrown up very little.. considering the number of nights and days where i have felt so ill.. that was not the case last night however. ick. much ick. annnyywho.. moving on..

i finally called steven last night.. it was so good to lie on the couch gossiping with him.. i’ve missed him.. hehe, i always miss him though.. we spent about 3 hours catching up on our mortal sins, failed relationships and past psychos, and then he filled me in on some gossip about people we went through school with. its our 10 year reunion next year.. he was trying to convince me to go.. i’m still not sure though.. there’s that element of ‘nope, bad memories, not gonna bring them up again’.. then there’s the morbid curiosity about whether people are actually doing as well as they claimed they would be.. and then he said that the best plan, is to ‘arrive, realise that they are all still assholes and fuckwits, tell them so, and leave.” which isn’t a bad idea…

i’m tempted.. i dunno though.. i have time to decide..

i still can’t remember that dream.. it’s pissing me off.. i know it involved a giant tractor thing that looked somewhat like a sherman tank, which was operated by people jumping on these little platforms.. and then some competition about dressing up in kylie minogue’s clothes… it was a real wtf dream..

i’m writing this as i’m talking to the click.. it’s so good to have everyone online at once.. sniff sniff i missed you guys… cue “aawwww”

that’ll do for now… my brain hurts..