people are funny creatures…

people are funny creatures…

i spent so much time procrastinating today.. i haven’t finished everything i needed to, but it’s not really anything i can rush, it has to come from somewhere.. and i know that Lou will understand that.. but at the same time, i could have not spent 4 hours talking about lost friends and past loves, but.. there is a lot of good to come from these conversations.. an insight into the other person, and into myself.. as much as i know that i over analyse everything, i am often surprised when i see evidence of other people doing it…. i always think “but thats what I do….” .. often followed by something like “and its not good for you, stop it. stop it at once.”

do as i say, not as i do…

but i know that sometimes it helps.. i have an oddly objective view of myself at the best of times.. and that objectivity makes me realise things.. no matter how angry or upset i am with something, i still have enough of an objective view of the situation to see the other person’s side of the story.. and once i understand i find it difficult to remain as angry.. or whatever.. it helps me to defuse potentially volatile situations before they get out of hand.. now if only i could get a reply, i’d explain that…….