

my skin is so sensitive.. i felt the needle prick the surface, push through the skin, drive forward, then start sucking back the blood… then i shuddered, i felt the needle wriggle, and the click as he changed vials.. and again.. and again.. and again… the feeling doesn’t bother me that much, but i can’t watch.. the sight of my own blood is too much for me.. i get queasy watching even the most fake and dodgy of horror films.. i looked at the collection of blood-filled vials sitting on the table next to me, and i couldn’t think of anything except..”that’s mine…” it was such a dark red.. i thought that looked rather odd.. i mean, everyone knows blood is red, but seeing it lie on a table like that, is disturbing. it is to me, anyway..

i have a “to do” that is about 45875245874257 miles long. and most of it has to be done by Monday. bye bye weekend..