

bleh.. i have the headache from hell.. i know i should go to bed.. but.. uhhh.. i’m not sleepy.. my mind is travelling at 4000 light years/second, and my body is finding it a tad difficult to keep up, so this is probably going to seem rather incoherent. but hey, tangent thought patterns are a strength, not a weakness. i know i had a zillion thoughts today, that i could have posted here, and wanted to post here.. but.. i’ve forgotten them all.. damn i need to keep a notebook with me.. (wait, i’m telling myself that i need a paper diary, so that i can keep up with my online diary….what. the. hell? i think i’ll just walk away from that thought.)

princess keeps talking about Hamish. Hamish is the “Director of Photography” for his next three films. Hamish is finishing his degree soon. Hamish had fun the other day (the first day of filming, where we all went to the pub after we finished filming). Hamish will be here on Sunday, for rehearsals. “oh.. I’ll be at Lou’s, so i wont be getting in your way for rehearsals” …….. silence. (at this point, i start reading between the lines. again.) so i say: “it probably won’t take all day, we just have to go over the marketing strategy, and timelines for a few things..” … (pause, then:) “oh cool, so you’ll probably be back before they all leave.” “possibly, yea..”

i think it’s still raining…

ooh, email.. hehe, i’m so excited about this.. but i’ve been sworn to secrecy.

(at this point, i delete a line where i was going to hint at what ‘this’ is… but i remembered who reads this damn diary.. sorry, i can’t say anymore than that.)


Radiohead. i love them. i’m listening to Kid A, and it roX0rs my boX0rs. have i mentioned before, that thom yorke will be witness to the conception of my children? (‘witness’ in the ‘soundtrack’ kind of way..) that is if i ever get around to having any. i mean, hell, i’m 25. i know my brother-in-law is damn well disappointed that i’m not married with at least one on the way by now. not that i really care about his opinion all that much. he’s disappointed that i decided to be an ‘artist’, and not an advertising mogul. (plaaaahhhh.. i despise advertising with my entire id, ego, superego, consciousness, subconscious, and ‘eternal being’ .. or whatever. the point is, i hate advertising. with a passion.)

The Big Lebowski. great movie. go see it. find it. rent it. buy it. whatever. everyone needs to see that movie.

(yes, i realise the irony in recommending a movie, right after an anti-advertising rant. sue me.)