rant letter

rant letter

i know you dont read this, but on the off chance that you do find it, i want you know that i think that your behaviour was WAY out of fucking line. way to go. you just gave me one helluva reason not to turn around. i am so angry with you. you had no right to say such a thing, and there is no excuse for it. i know that you were just testing the water, but that just makes it even more repulsive. it seems you took the “how to piss angel off in one easy step” class. congratulations. you passed. in fact, you’re lucky i’m on the other side of this stupid fucking planet, and couldn’t reach you to rip your fucking vocal cords out. i am still pissed off.. and i doubt that this will ease off in time. if you even come close to pulling a stunt like that again, you’ll be wondering what the fuck happened to your precious pride. goodbye.