retrospective diagnosis

retrospective diagnosis

whee! quit harvesting your corn, the art’s up for all to see! you can dance, you can sing, you can fall over, giddy with excitement. or you could just go take a look. it’s over here.

now that that’s out of the way.. you know, it was quite odd going over those images.. choosing the thumbnails especially.. princess took the pics, and some of them are simply droolable (ok, i know, i’m drooling over my own work. call me egotistical.) but as princess said to me this afternoon while i was fawning over one particular image: “when the exhibition is that good, it’s difficult to take a bad shot of it”

(isn’t he wonderful, feeding my ego like that? cue “awwwww…”) ahem

but honestly.. over the last couple of months i had forgotten how good it was.. how well it was received, in particular.. i should do this more often.. no, not pump my ego. remind myself of what i’ve done, where my work has taken me, the paths, the discoveries, the realisations that seem to vapourise into thin air over time. its the little things like that, that i need to remember to make my practice what it can be.

reading over the de/meaning statement, and the statement i wrote for my honours year.. damn, i knew what i was doing then.. how the hell did i get so lost with it? the comparison between the statement for de/meaning and the statement for Insert Picture Here….. jeeeez.. it seems like i barely had a clue what i was doing with IPH. (i know i’m being harsh on myself, but its because i know that i’m capable of more than i accomplished with that show. the lead up, the preparation for the show was so fraught with my own anxiety about the possibility of success, and consequential stereotyping, that i was too focused on that, and not focused enough on the work itself.)

don’t get me wrong, i still think the show was pretty damn good.. but i know, had i been more in touch with my practice, it would have been better.

princess went in to soapbox today.. he said that Franz asked him to have another show next year, and that he would be calling me over the next few days or so. whee! (fear)