

19th Feb, 2002

back and forth, take it however you can get it, don’t ask why, don’t complain, momma never told you why, but you never asked either. ask and ye shall receive – if you’re lucky. where’s lady luck tonight? she’s taking the night off. you’ll have to make your own luck. read the cards, note the signs, buy the ticket, take the ride – make the most of what you’ve got and don’t complain if you bought the wrong ticket.

[finding it hard to stand up for what’s mine and what i want.]

24th Feb, 2002

“I don’t know why I love ya like I do” – it’s the words from that godawful song, floating through my head. meaningless words that float, drift, barely noticed on a lazy sunday afternoon. also wafting through my consciousness is “I could be your hero baby” – legacy of having to listen to crappy radio stations. Waiting to get hold of people – for some reason, everyone I call, rings out with no answer. Ideas for the soapbox show casually float through my head on a regular timetable, as my brain goes from one topic to the next, something usually gets off the train at every stop. my head’s going into working mode again – just in time, too.. films, magazines, exhibitions, grant propsals, sponsorship, all things seem to start at once…

dreams? yes – of dying my hair, my cat getting mauled by a dog and godknowswhatelse. sleeping ok – just a case of getting used to the new environment – i’ve only had two bad nights here so far, and one was thanks to the sounds of the party upstairs last night. all in all, things going well..