so far stable

so far stable

The operation went well, he has blood flow returned to his foot, but he seems to have cognitively degenerated. He already has a significant level of dementia, but he seems worse today than the last time I saw him before he went to hospital. He’s slurring his words, which he has never done before, and there’s very little recognition. When I went to see him last night, he seemed to barely recognise that there was someone there at all… This morning though, while he didn’t call me by name (not even a wrong name), I did see a glimmer of recognition.

So much has happened in the last 48 hrs. I went to work yesterday and shouldn’t have, but staying home would have made me feel useless, and if I went to the hospital in thr morning, I would have run into the horrible uncle that I never want to see again. But, by going to work, I got dragged into a court case. WTF? Yea… We had an incident at work just under a year ago, and it has finally come up for trial (a client made threats, etc, etc)… So yesterday consisted of 8-5.30 work, home for a bit, to the hospital for an hour so so, then down to the police station to make a statement.. then home, a couple of phone calls, pace around the house for a while, and then to bed. Called in sick for today and tomorrow.

Spoke to mum at about midday, and here’s the next installment: my uncle in Townsville (who has previously been diagnosed with throat cancer) may be out of remission, and has to go to Brisbane for scans sometime in the next week.. So mum is kinda torn between seeing her father, and her brother.. If she stays in Brisbane to see her brother, it means that the load for granddad is left with me.. and I can’t tell her to not see him, I know she needs to.

Thing is, I’m not sure if I have enough strength and energy to deal with granddad…

Oh yea.. I have an assignment for uni due Monday. I called & got an extension for that though. Thank you to the gods at UQ.

When it rains, it fucking pours…