somewhat alive

somewhat alive

if i ever think that the middle of nowhere is a good place for a holiday, shoot me. its cold, rainy and boring. but i’m sitting in an internet cafe i wasn’t expecting to find, so things aren’t too bad i guess. it’s good to see my parents, and i’m getting some good time to not think about some things, and time enough to sort out others. all in all, not too bad. dreams are insane, as per usual, but i think the quietitude of the area is affecting me more than i thought it would.

happy birthday to me.. so far, my sister hasn’t called me for my birthday (which was yesterday.. she couldn’t have forgotten, her husband’s birthday is today. just another sign that perhaps i don’t really have a sister at all. oh well. i’ll live. mum keeps telling me to remember that she’s just wrapped up in her own world, but that is no comfort. i’d like to have a sister. i really would. sigh ) went out to dinner, then to a local pub last night. some of my parent’s mates decided to shout me drinks all night, so i had fun, more so than i thought i would. at least the middle of nowhere has vodka.

must go, running out of time. just thought i’d let you all know that i’m alive, and still in one piece.

later kiddies 🙂


  1. Anonymous

    From way way way far

    Hey angie,

    Happy Birthday! I’m glad to hear you’re still in one piece [checks self] so am I. School’s back in session, maybe it’ll make it worth updating my journal a bit more often than I have in the past.

    ‘Nuff said, take care kiddo.


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