standing in wide open field that i can’t see.

standing in wide open field that i can’t see.

there’s not much going on here lately.. the Artbeat front has been quiet.. the artists are all confirmed for the show, and the invitation has been sent to the printers.. even though i thought that i was supposed to take it in there, Lou rearranged her entire (?) life, to take it in herself. not that it matters much.. and now she’s gone away up to the Sunshine Coast for a week (ahh….. silence) to see her gran..

princess’s exhibition has been getting a steady flow of 20 or so people every day.. the plans for the next film(s) are going well.. he’s writing one with Craig.. Craig is a 19 year old certified genius, who lectures at his college. Craig has done many insanely inventive things, including reconfiguring a dreamcast machine, to run windows.. it only took him a night. he did it to see if it could be done.. Craig is also a 3D modelling/special effects mastAr. seriously, he’s one of, if not the best in Australia. anyone watch Farscape? Craig did the intro for that……. Craig is also fascinated with midgets. especially a one-armed midget, named Novak.

this film is going to be a trip. and they want me to star in it……….. PH33R.

no, seriously.. i’m scared by this role.. its not the idea of the camera, or people watching the film, or associating me with the role….. its the role itself.. getting into that character.. ‘s gonna be a difficult one.

ah well, we’ll see.. there’s no use in worrying about it too much right now.. the damn thing hasn’t even been written yet.. princess keeps asking me what i’d be comfortable with.. how much is too much.. what i’d be prepared to do, etc.. and i have no idea how to answer.. i don’t really know what lines they are thinking on, so how can i give them an end point to that?

you can’t draw a chalk line on a field that you can’t see.

there seem to be a lot of invisible fields around here lately… i’m not quite sure where i stand on a number of issues.. i was almost ready to post a mini-rant to dislocate last night at about 8pm.. i was typing it up on notepad, and lost my courage to post it. it would cause confusion and confrontation, and there are far better ways of dealing with the matter. ’nuff said.

me, and the dragon, can chase all the pain away….

ooh, placebo..