subconscious opportunism…?

subconscious opportunism…?

i remember reading somewhere in a body language analysis thingy.. about how, subconsciously, you do things, to give you an opportunity for whatever it is you’re after, at a later date…. why did i mention this? i’m sitting here, and just to my right.. is Hamish’s wallet.. yup. he left his wallet here.. this means he has to come back to get it, tomorrow.. when i’ll be home alone. no princess. hmmm..

eh, i guess i should explain how the wallet got here.. i rang him today, to ask him how much he would charge (considering that he IS a professional photographer, i figured he would charge..) to document my exhibition.. as i said the other day: me + slide film = disaster… anywho.. so i rang him.. i asked.. he said “yea, that’s no problem, i’ll do that for you.. as long as you pay for the film, and developing. its easy.. we can probably slot that in on Tuesday after filming for princess”. wow. well, i was pretty damn pleased about that…. 4 hours later.. Hamish arrives, with princess. Hamish has to download a file, then check it in freehand babble babble.. so they do all that.. we roughly go over the filming schedule for Saturday through Tuesday, and decide that, yea, we will still need to meet tomorrow afternoon anyway.

so Hamish leaves.. he had to get out to (someone’s) place to check on their dog, or something.. so, we say g’bye, etc.. then i come back to the computer.. sit down..look to the right to grab my diary…. and there’s his wallet… sooo.. i gave him a call.. yep.. k, no prob.. he’ll be over to pick that up in the morning, cause he’ll need it and what…. he knows princess will be at college then.. i’ll be home alone… hmm…

i’m such a nosey lil thing.. i had to look at his licence.. i nearly fell over when i did….. his b’day is the day before mine.. odd, ja?


mum rang earlier.. she went on a rant about the feng shui of this house, and what i can do about making it a better working environment…. wtf? when did my mother turn into a new age advisor? don’t get me wrong, i think there is potential value in such things…. but…. this….. is my mother i’m talking about. i was tempted to ask the woman on the phone what she had done with my real mother, and what she wanted for her return…

i have to post a dream i had the other day.. i can’t remember it at the moment though, but i know i told princess all about it when i woke up.. so i’ll get the story out of him, and post it tomorrow or something.. i know it had something to do with a competition involving Kylie Minogue’s clothes….

and yes, i still haven’t finished or posted the half written entry about ‘effort’….. heh.. ooh, irony….

i’d better crash.. even though i’m in no way sleepy.. i know i have to get up early tomorrow morning…

g’night kiddies… play nice…