

The Subject:
There without stood Hiawatha
Truth loves open dealing
Reading maketh a full man.
He stayed not for brake
Who goes round my house this night?
The mighty ruled with an iron rod
The weakest goes to the wall
The many rend the air with loud applause.
To assert is not to prove
She opened, but to shut excelled her power.
Slow and steady wins the race
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy
To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first
Walking up the hill made us somewhat breathless.
To see the world so full of shame and wrong
Fretteth my spirit in its house of clay.
The Object:
Christabel the lamp will trim
Whispering tongues can poison truth
Every why hath a wherefore
He likes cycling.
Me damp horror chilled
Whom have we here?
The overthrown he raised
Help the helpless.
The rabble rout forebore to shout
Spare not to spur, nor stint to ride.
Now or never! he shouted
My bonds forebade to lose my hold
Far other aims his heart had learnt to prize.