such a whore

such a whore

i’ve been in the foulest mood all day. nasty. irritable. anxious. edgy. haghlaghbitch from hell. i’ve wanted to kill things. i’ve wanted to slam doors, throw things, and such.


i don’t know why though. i just woke up in a bad mood, and didn’t shake it until about an hour ago. i don’t remember if i dreamt anything that triggered the mood, or if it was just a thousand little things piling up, and getting the better of me. if you didn’t have to put up with me and my petulant self today, you’re a lucky bastard.

no, i’m not exaggerating. poor princess copped it all day. i’ll have to apologise to him sometime. remind me to do that..

my doctor recommended that i start taking Lovan for pms mood swings, but i can’t quite determine if this is pms or not. don’t ask, it’ll be way too much information, and if you do ask, be warned, i’ll tell you aaaaaaaall about it.. anyway, i haven’t been taking the Lovan, because i have a general distrust of any such meds.. they fuck things up more than they fix them. call me paranoid, but i don’t really want to get any worse in other ways.

ooh, tangent. i saw the SF on ICQ today, i was still in my bad mood, so i was tempted to message him, and abuse the hell out of him for fun. i managed to restrain myself though, cause that would have opened another huge can of worms that i have tightly sealed for everyone’s protection. i have no idea why i still have him on my list. i know i should probably delete him, and forget about the entire debacle, but hey, i’m a pack rat. as i heard on a voice board once, “I keep everything..”

i should get around to talking about the artbeat launch exhibition i guess. it went well, great show, good sized crowd, great performances, etc etc etc. do i sound a tad over it? uh huh. i was more than a little annoyed when i checked the site the other day, and found a splash page that advertised the launch show, and in the list of “Featured Artists”, there was a typo in someone else’s name, and my name was completely missing from the list. gee, thanks. it’s been fixed though… heh, one less thing for me to be pissed off about. woo!

rest assured, i will link to it once the site’s been uploaded.

after the show, i went to the matrix with princess, Steve, the fabulous Bec (recently back from Melbournia), and Di. had an absolute ball with them. it was just an amazing night.. the previous entry with the Ratcat lyrics etc referred to that night.. that entry is a little ambiguous, but i wasn’t really in the mood for writing.. i just wanted to say something about Steve going home..

i should go to bed.. i have a full day of the stage production stuffery things tomorrow, and that means i have to get up early. blug to that thought.

another tangent: where the hell is everyone? granted i haven’t been on much this last week, but now that i’m back, i can’t find a soul.. i saw Dr.X. earlier, and i got a message from pa, and one from M., but duck and lizzard are nowhere to be found.

i’ll try not to draw any conclusions from that.

ut oh, now that i’m out of my bad mood, i’m getting hyper. no sleep for you!