Three course meal.
Entree. Care. Mark, I have tried to call, can’t get through. Hope you’re all ok and stuff. hugs Mains. Love. Hearing that someone other has …
Entree. Care. Mark, I have tried to call, can’t get through. Hope you’re all ok and stuff. hugs Mains. Love. Hearing that someone other has …
Ohkay…We returns, preciousss.. Whilst we’re on nerdy little topics.. So anyway, what’s been going on… Christmas was… not specifically enjoyable, but fine. I miss my …
Under pressure of constant wondering, I asked the question of when. I was told, given a ball park figure, and I’m feeling a lot less …
and things have been crazy. Roller-coaster crazy. Bad thoughts of me from all angles, and brain going sideways with thoughts of lingering and passed grandparents, …
from this little gem, I get this: You are an SEDL–Sober Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a dictator. You prefer to control situations, and …
…what was I thinking, telling myself to let go? when you call me, and describe that feeling of utter loneliness that I went through oh-not-so-long-ago, …
I look like I’ve been cutting myself… I haven’t, I just look like that. Why? ‘Cause I gave the cat a bath this afternoon. She …