The brain you have reached has been disconnected.

The brain you have reached has been disconnected.

Virgo, Sunday, June 3:

Be satisfied. Even a perfectionist like you has to admit that it rarely gets this good. On some level, love scrawls its signature across your life. Stay out of trouble, unless of course trouble is your idea of fun.


that gets a huge wtf.

i’m listening to The Whitlams.. No Aphrodisiac, and Buy Now Pay Later (Charlie No. 2)


“There’s no aphrodisiac like loneliness,

Youth, truth, beauty, fame, boredom, and a bottle of pills.

There’s no aphrodisiac like loneliness,

You shouldn’t leave me alone…

There’s no aphrodisiac like loneliness,

Bare feet like a tom boy, and a crooked smile,

Truth, youth, beauty, fame boredom, red hair, no hair,

Innocence, Saturday, and a picture of you.”


“Charlie you’re not my Charlie anymore, you’re screwing it up,

You’re killing your soul, with an audience looking on,

If I hadn’t left early last night, I would have made a speech to you,

You’re not the only one you’re going to hurt.

If you don’t believe me, I don’t believe in you.”


ignore me, i’m talking to myself

some people work for charity, some people work for a labour of love, denial works for me.

end discussion.


while reading someone else’s diary, i realised i haven’t mentioned my health for quite some time.. i think that’s a good thing.. i still get sick.. not as bad, or as frequently as it was happening at one point, but it still happens.

i haven’t been back to my doctor.. i know i should.. but..

but i won’t finish that sentence.

i spend so much time in my life trying to cover myself.. i don’t want to do that anymore. i dearly want to be able to say what i feel and not worry about the consequences. i almost did that today.. i don’t recall what stopped me, but i know it was just that i got distracted.

not sure if i will be able to go visit my parents…

hint hint poke poke

i have nothing else i want to say today..