the family crap

the family crap

Ok, this is what happened over the weekend:

Since nana has passed away, granddad has been put into a high-care nursing home in Malanda (which is only about 30min drive from Atherton). Due to the cost of this care, and also to ease the burden on the family, it was decided that the house should be sold. The house was on the market for about 3 days when an offer was made, and it’s now under contract. So the house has to be emptied, right? Ok, that being said, mum’s two remaining brothers AGAIN ducked and weaved and left everything for her to do. Keep in mind that mum is on her own in Atherton, not working, not earning any money, and dad is down south on his own, and things are getting a little strained between them. Mum has already booked her ticket to go south again, and things are getting better between the two of them now that she’s got a date that she’s returning. Anywho, mum asked both her brothers to come up and collect the stuff that is ‘theirs’, and they did. Family photos, personal gifts they gave her that they might have wanted back, that sort of thing. She then decided that she had to have a garage sale to start emptying the house out. No probelmo, and come Thursday night, off I went to help her out (seeing as no one else was…). Friday night, mum and I are sorting through everything in the house, pricing stuff, rearranging things, all that jazz. At about 8.30pm, the phone rings. It’s mum’s younger brother Ross. Ross says that he’s heard about the sale, and goes on to tell us that he and Norm (the other brother) went halves in the purchase of the two heaters, and the microwave, and he bought the clothes dryer.. and he wants them back! Now, nana told us, and Norm, that SHE bought the dryer with the pensioner pay-off that the government made to every oldie in the country when the GST was implemented. Ross claims differently – “she thought she paid for it, but we actually did”. Furthermore, he paid for the roof to be fixed, so therefore, he can CLAIM the fridge in lieu. What The Fuck?

Ok, so his mother has just died. I understand that this sort of stress can do strange things to a persons’ perspective on the world, but seeing as nana’s will states that everything goes to granddad (as he is still alive), you would think that Ross would wait until granddad is dead before he starts scavenging from them. The other thing: if he GAVE these things to her, it seems a little off, to demand them back, when they actually belong to her husband.

What he’s doing, essentially, is taking a little over AU$1000 from his ailing 87 year old father, who needs to pay for his own care.

I don’t understand. Enough said. I’m just disgusted with my family.

The other thing that happened, is that granddad had another TIA on Friday, though we were not informed about it until Monday. Now, Mum rang the nursing home on Friday, and Norm visited granddad on Saturday, but no one mentioned it to either of them! Mum just called… She went out to see graddad today, and he’s having a good day. He’s recovered from the TIA, and the nursing home were having a christmas party. At least he’s alright at the moment…

I’m so over this crap…

In other news, I went to see The Living End, Gyroscope and Cassanova’s on Tuesday night. Rock! T’was good to forget for a few hours…

Oh, and Clay rang today. He’s injured himself at work.. He’s alright, but nevertheless, he doesn’t need this. and neither do I..