the poet

the poet

and from emode’s “Ultimate Personality Test”………

You’re complex, artistic, and misunderstood. You enjoy a rich inner life. You’re often seen sitting alone in a café, scribbling thoughts in a journal. Or maybe leafing through the pages of some dusty, arcane novel from the 17th century. You’re shy and quiet, and you enjoy peaceful, comfortable environments. When you get older, you’re going to listen to Muzak.

You work hard to do the right thing, and you sometimes beat yourself up for making mistakes. While you don’t make friends all that easily, you relish the ones you have. Everyone else thinks you’re a bit loony – but who cares, right? You enjoy intense one-on-ones or small, intimate dinner parties. You dig candles. And you’re an interesting person to know, full of insights and inspiration, even though you’re sometimes hesitant to express them.

You don’t like to juggle too much at work, and you can get stressed out by major job upheavals. You prefer to sit alone in your cubicle, working diligently on your own projects while dreaming of becoming a shepherd. You enjoy harmonious working relationships and avoid coworkers who send porn over company email.



  1. They’ve given you a number, and taken away your name..

    Secret Agent:

    ‘You’re basically a smart, shrewd, loner. For you, a lifetime in solitary confinement sounds pretty darn fun ? as long as they serve ice cream. That way you could ponder life’s mysteries without anyone bugging you. But to those lucky enough to know you well, you’re a deeply caring person full of energy and ideas. We wouldn’t be surprised to hear that you collected stamps as a child.

    On a personal level, you’re sensitive. You worry too much about how you compare to others, and your mood suffers under such intense personal scrutiny. The flip side is that you feel extra happy when things go well. You’d rather stick with the familiar than deal with strange new emotions or environments. But other times you feel confident and spontaneous and have to suppress your desire to belt out “Copacabana.” Let’s just say you’re kind of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.’

    Yeehaw.. Now I can’t that damned song out of my head..

    1. Re: They’ve given you a number, and taken away your name..


      “a lifetime in solitary confinement sounds pretty darn fun ? as long as they serve ice cream..”

      uh huh.. why am I not surprised?

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