The Southern Cross

The Southern Cross

lying on the ground in the park, staring up at the Southern Cross, wondering how much i’d miss it when/if i were to go away… the cloud formation slowly drifting north-west, momentarily covers the two pointers, that cloud looks like the scream..

remembering the first time i recall staring at the Cross, waiting for halley’s comet, my grandmother pointing it out, naming the stars, and then, the comet!

off in the distance, another Qantas jet comes in to land.. i can’t tell what it is, no way of knowing where it came from.. but i can see the signature red tail, proudly lit up..

on the way back, looking at the neon along the tops of the city skyscrapers… stop, staring into the window of the travel agent on Main street, the one next to Someplace To Eat… checking out the prices of flights to elsewhere…….

a few calculations.. summing up the possibility.. mind racing at the mere thought of it.. bills.. back to earth..

through the carpark of KFC.. steven should be here soon.. i’ll probably get a few days on Stradbroke Island with him, but then, i’ll still be here….

down Princess street.. princess is going to Ballarat in a couple of weeks, i’ll have the house to myself, but i’ll still be here….

then Duke street, then home.. dinner, watch the Simpsons, my hand resting on my stomach, a vain attempt to calm to storm brewing inside..

have to call my parents… haven’t spoken to my sister for a couple of weeks..

called my parents.. miss them.. get online.. Archie’s on.. he’s just been to Venice, and he’s thinking of taking off for a trip around Europe.. Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Germany.. Do i want anything? yes, take me with you..

where would i go? Cairns, Griffith, Melbourne, the US, Europe..

why are all the people i care about so far away?