This is a really long expedition into my mind. Be afraid.

This is a really long expedition into my mind. Be afraid.

Water rushing down my back, damn, its not hot enough. The hot water system in this house sucks. Mind wanders around, trying to find something to settle on. Too many things. Restless day. My ISP is being a bitch; words are flowing from me lately, gushing even; dreams overflowing from night into day; the water’s cooled off again, turn it up. From the corner of my eye, I see my shoulders are starting to turn red. I should get out. People patterns. Different patterns of language, different patterns of behaviour. Some of those patterns have changed lately, wonder why that is. Shoulders are red. Should get out. That’ll do, turn off the taps, reach for the towel.. U2’s ‘Stay (Far Away, So Close)’ arrives in my head from godknowswhere.

Green light, seven eleven
you stop in for a pack of cigarettes
you don’t smoke, don’t even want to check your change
dressed up like a car crash
the wheels are turning but you’re upside down

Craving for coke.. Wandering down the street, hear music wafting past from somewhere, decide to find out where. Wander south a bit, ahh, its the ‘gabba. Wonder what’s going on.. Head over there, see the banner on the front gates: “District Convention for Jehova’s Witness”. Good grief. It’s a good day to lock yourself inside, Brisbane. Get to the 7-11, (lighting by Steven Speilberg). Haven’t seen Matt in here for ages, maybe he quit or something. Purchase coke, wander back home. Beautiful day. Good day to be elsewhere, and out of my mind. Can I switch with someone else? I’m tired of mine..

augh. Remember I have to write a monologue by Monday. Could use something from here, might write something new though. We’ll see. Might go through the archives later, see if I can find something useable, or something worth developing.

Computer on. Dial-up. Check messengers and mail. Check news headlines. Ug, close that window. Check on Goodbye. wow. I’m astounded by the response it’s gotten. Thank you to all that have posted, or just stopped by out of curiosity.

Also shocked and amused by the number of hits to here. Again, thank you.

hmm.. Am I that much of a hit-slut? Should I join clix..? Think I might. I’ll organize that later though, right now, I should work on my monologue, and I have a script to re-write (this one’s for that evil bastard, money.)

Thoughts about my show for soapbox next year ramble through my mind. I’m (most probably) going to be in the front room. A difficult space.. You wander down the front corridor, then into the front room, a 7 metre wall staring you in the face, the bar to your immediate left, behind that, the offices.. I think I want to smother the walls with text. An expensive option, but if I’m applying for a grant, and should I actually be one of the lucky few that actually receives such a thing, it won’t be a problem. Not sure though. Plenty of time to work it out. I should also get my ass into gear and have a show elsewhere, I’m in danger of becoming soapbox’s bitch. Modus might be cool. Metro would be fantastic. Of course, having a show elsewhere, requires that I make art. hrm. I should do that sometime.

I’ve changed my writing style a tad of late. Not sure why, just have. I guess I got a tad bored with myself.