“tight schedules & celebrating”

“tight schedules & celebrating”

Par for the course, I’ve been playing with my fotobilder account (read: “Oh, look, she has a paid account, lets get her to test this out…”).

So, yea, basically, I’ve found a lazy way of getting some photo’s online. heh. Go me! erm, I mean, Hey! I spent a lot of time on this, go check it out. Yes, that’s more like it.

Also, I think I may be coming down with a flu/infection of some description that I do not have time to suffer. bleh. Much bleh.

And also, ma & pa arrive this week, probably Thursday, or thereabouts.

I’ve been harassed about posting some form of description of my trip to Brisvegas.. and, uh, I’m working on it. Sweet mother of nine, I’m supposed to be writing a training programme this weekend…

I also have a desperate craving for chocolate. dammit. There be none in the house..

[square brackets be my reactions…]

Virgo Horoscope for 11/15 – 11/21

This week’s scenario is highlighted by tight schedules & celebrating. [Tight schedules, how is that different to any other week?]

You are a force to be reckoned with, particularly in the job arena. [HAHAHAHA. hah, yea, I KNOW how to shut down a computer…]

By the magnetism of your personality alone, you could make great headway, but you are also in a mood to improvise. [Why am I thinking of those old Looney Tunes/Acme horseshoe shaped magnets..? And the images conjured by the combination of the words “improvise” and “magnets”.. Lord, don’t let me start explaining that one.]

Your spur-of-the-moment creations really fill the bill. [Lisa spontaneously begins creating evening dresses for random unspecified celebrations…]

You’ll feel like celebrating. [Celebrating what? This tells me nothing of what I can expect.. Sure, I’ll feel like celebrating, but will I actually get the chance to do it..? and WTF am I going to be celebrating? Huh?]

Open that wallet and treat yourself to something sumptuous. [The wallet ain’t that big…]

Don’t forget the other person who will be waiting to applaud you. [Who dat..?? Didn’t know I had an audience of one..]

A long hoped for raise could come through, or at least an acknowledgement by a boss or other higher-up that you are worth much more. [I know what our budget is like, and I know which option Im gonna see..]

Though you may be elated, don’t let the news make you forget a promise you made about your home situation. [If I’ve promised something, I’ve already forgotten it.]

Your mate or partner has been patiently waiting for you to deliver. [What mate? Partner? What’s a partner? ]

Even if it takes time out of your free time, at least make a start on whatever project is involved. [Do I have free time? Do I have anything other than work to do in any free time I may or may not have? uhm. No. I’m pathetic, I know. Shuddup.]

Let your mate know how much you appreciate their forbearance. [Cough mate? Hah!]

I know, it’s so unlike me to follow multiple simultaneous tangents, but hey. Sue me.