’tis the season [for arguments and quarrels, fa la la la la….]

’tis the season [for arguments and quarrels, fa la la la la….]

Just a quick update: We’re in Orange; are battling control issues with mum and a friend of hers [long story which I’ll try to elaborate on if I get a chance to update again later], but otherwise well [ie: healthy and reasonably happy – bar the control issues]; can’t get to my email at the moment, should be able to later from another source; Clay is heading off to see his parents for a couple of days, whilst I stay and continue working, and hopefully get a chance to tell mum to chillthefuckout and letmelivemylifeandmakemyowndecisionsbecauseI’m27yearsoldforgod’ssake. ahem

[addressed to Daniel, Steven, duck, shmoopy, triss, pa, lizzard, Toni, Tonya, ktnflag, Benny, Uef, Nancy & Thilo (if you’ve found this yet) and, of course, to Clay.]

Oh, and it’s that time of year already… If I don’t get a chance to post again beforehand, I hope y’all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 😀

Take care guys, miss you and love to you all.



  1. same to you. if you need me to get drunk and call up your parents and let them know how we do things in mookies world, let me know. i think what i would have to say would be worth paying international long distance for.

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