today… today was an odd day..

today… today was an odd day..

my dreams are quite insane.. intense, but insane.. i can’t remember them though,’s times like this when i need them most..

anywho.. i didn’t feel quite so ick today.. even though it was as hot as hell…. i had a nap this afternoon, and woke up with a helluva headache.. my room was so hot.. whee! i ate dinner tonight.. but i’m not feeling too well at the moment.. just ‘blargh’ as they say in some circles…. i had a talk to wp about it all over dinner.. he’s been such a sweetie.. vAry supportive, and undArstanding and what.. hehe, he barely blinked when i yelled at him the other day..

i still haven’t been able to get hold of my sister.. i keep getting their answering machine, and i really don’t want to leave a message…