uhh… needles…?

uhh… needles…?

i received an odd package in the mail from mum.. sewing machine needles, and a newspaper from my home town.. i have no idea why she sent the needles (my family’s odd..), but the newspaper was interesting.. there was no ground breaking international, or even national news there.. hardly ‘investigative journalism’… but reading over the stories brought back a rush of memories from my childhood. i moved away from there two weeks after i finished high school (i left on December 17th, 1992, to be exact.. i think i’ve said this before.. i keep everything.. i still have the ticket from my flight..) i have this odd curiosity about the place since i left.. i have no interest in ever living there again.. small towns crush me.. closed minds, lack of opportunity, resistance to change, etc.. but i’m always curious about whats going on there.. i love reading the paper from there.. i find myself looking for names i recognise.. people i went to school with, names that were friends or business associates of my parents.. i find myself looking for places i used to go.. and i get so excited, when i find one..

i’m all homesick now.. i spent the last hour looking at web sites of businesses, and tourist parks, and stuff like that.. i read over the history of the place, from the very first European settlement of the area in 1872.. i had forgotten all of that information.. ohhh, so many tourist photos.. every time i see photos of that area, i am truely shocked at how beautiful it is there..

but back to the paper.. there’s a letter to the editor, from a girl i went through school with.. one of the guys i knew (er.. had a crush on in high school) is now playing state level rugby league, but is currently injured, and will miss the start of the season.. a photographer that was a friend of my mum’s has sold her business to a girl that i was in dance classes with (she’s a year younger than me, and is now married to another guy i had a crush on.. sigh…)

there’s really only one person from school that i’ve kept in touch with.. Steven has been like a brother to me since 1989.. i need to call him sometime soon.. we haven’t spoken for too long.. there’s no reason why we haven’t spoken, no rift or anything.. i’d say its just that we’re both busy.. last time we spoke, he had vague plans of moving down here (aaawwwww yeeeaaaa..) that’d be too sweet.. its been a dream of mine to get him out, since i left there.. he hasn’t been there all along though, he’s been travelling around the state, transferred from city to city with work and what.. but he needs to get out of that area.. it’d be so good for him, i just know it. he’s the one person i found in that godforsaken town, that really understands me.. i’d forgive him for anything.. i’d be there for him, no matter what. if he calls, the world stops. i need my world to stop for a while…..