um. yes. i think i had something to say.

um. yes. i think i had something to say.

as this “admin.cgi?action=createnewfile” page loaded, i noticed that there’s a golf ball on my desk.

a golf ball.

hm. i’ve never before noticed it here, much less anywhere else in the house.

it’s distracted my attention so much that i’ve forgotten what i was going to write about.

now there’s a wolf spider running around on the window..

oh. yes. websites and acting. i’m contemplating a redesign for here, a new site (an odd one), and Toni has asked me to design a site for her photography folio.. and princess and I asked Toni if she’d like to do the cinematography for (at least) one of the films coming up. and we still need to find a lead male actor for that one. (if anyone in the Brisbane area knows of a 20-something guy that’s not too good looking (read: not male-model looking) who’s capable, willing and available to star in a short film in the next week or so, please email me. [for some reason, female actors are far easier to come by, and all of the male actors we know, are either too busy, too good looking, or ‘just not right’ for the part.] we’re almost desperate.)

Toni’s also asked me to go both in front of, and behind a still camera for her. interesting… i’m definitely up for the behind the cam thing, but… um. timid me? in a photo shoot? um?

i’m not completely adverse to the idea, i just find it odd that 1. i’ve never contemplated it before; 2. that she asked me.

it’s true. i have never before seriously contemplated doing a photo shoot.. i mean.. as a ‘model’. i’ve been in photo shoots before, but always under the guise of some formal event – high school formal, my sister’s wedding, nephew and then niece’s christenings, etc.. but never ‘for the hell of it’. snapshots are something different.. that’s akin to capturing a moment, not ‘glorifying’ a person/ality. acting in a film is different again, that’s not ‘me’.

and what is it about ‘me’ that she deems ‘interesting’ enough to capture/glorify? in a semi-related tangent, this came up in a conversation with princess the other night. we were talking about previous relationships (as background for one of the films); and i muttered something about my usual trouble of not being able to get rid of guys.. and i mentioned that i had no idea what it is they don’t want to/can’t let go of. princess (charming man he is) said something to the effect of “intelligent, funny, playful, talented, burps like a guy but is still a girly girl, and gorgeous, it’s an awesome combination.”

that list, shocked me. i realised, there and then, that i have never, ever considered myself “gorgeous”. at my most egotistical, i would claim to be “beautiful, but not classically so”.. but. never. gorgeous.

i just find it odd…