update oops..

update oops..

yea, so I’ve missed an update here.. I changed the layout to a nice , pretty blue and white one. However, I’m already starting on a major redesign. again. yes, I’m avoiding things, yes, I’m pedantic. hush now.

Current status on sites:

dis.f2g: undergoing redesign – insert ‘you are here’ reference.

dislocate.lj: recently converted to a paid account, this is my main diary site, and is regularly being redesigned, as I get bored easily.

asta.f2g: defunct, due to the hatred I developed of blogger.

asta.lj: brand-spanking-new design, as asta moves back to lj under username fishingrod.

ligature: new site currently under construction. Will host a variety (well, at least one) image & text compilation project/s.

I X O H: lj community site, for members to post anything regarding balance betwixt images, writing & emotion.

anything previous to these sites, is now defunct, closed, and forgotten about. danke for your time.