useless babble

useless babble

i know, i know.. it’s been a while since i last updated.. sorry and what.. but.. life and what.. and writers’ block. sigh.. there’s a lot i could go on and on about.. the last day of filming went well, except for the accidental application of a rock, to my head.. it didn’t hurt as much as it could.. but what hurt more, was my hip, where i fell for the scene.. but don’t fret, i’m still in one piece, not even any bruises (which is odd for me, i usually bruise so easily..).. and that’s a wrap (rejoices). now for the editing…… joy.. and while princess is editing in preparation for the June 1 opening night, i have to prepare the artbeat site for upload by June 1….. welcome to the fun house!

i had this really odd dream this morning, about my parents, and camping, and my aunt having an affair, while she made wedding dresses.. and.. oi.. it was odd…

blah.. i can’t think of much more at the moment.. i might add to this later..