well this day sucked..

well this day sucked..

yes, i’m still in babblX0r mode.. i woke up this morning, feeling incredibly ill, thanking every deity i could think of that Lou had postponed our meeting until tomorrow… so i spent the day compiling all the archives into here.. a painstaking process, but worth it in the end..geh.. i was naught well sir. even though it was a rather mindless task, i could barely think… i’m not sure if it was inability to think, or that i was nearly passing out, but i had to have several breaks to relax…

mum rang.. gran’s in hospital again.. more tests and what.. mum’s not overly concerned yet..but still.. as my sister said .. “poor old duck.. she just gets over one problem, and another crops up..”

franz rang today.. he needs the slide for my invitation next week.. ack.. i have work out what image i’m going to put on the damn thing.. thankfully he doesnt want my statement until march.. the most uncomfortable part of the conversation, was right at the start… “so how are you, are you feeling any better yet?” argh. no. dont ask questions, i cant explain it. apparently wp told him i was sick when i missed the last opening.. sigh i hate answering that question…


i really only posted this out of curiosity.. its vAry accurate.. well.. what it says is accurate, but there is more to me than just what this says.. but it really reflects today.. (btw, credits to triss for finding the site in the first place – whee!)


Your first name of Lisa has given you energy, drive, and ambition, but also an almost excessively strong-willed and independent nature. While you are creative, inventive, and ingenious in practical matters, and always ready to initiate and promote new undertakings, you often experience difficulty in bringing your undertakings to a successful conclusion because of your own changing interests or changing circumstances. You become intensely involved with everything you plan to do, but the stress arising from frustrating obstacles or misunderstandings with others could prompt you to be intolerant and sarcastic in your expression, with breakdowns in congenial relations with family and friends a possible end result. Any emotional outbursts or moods would register as tension in your solar plexus, resulting in nervous indigestion and related problems. Tension could also centre in the head affecting the eyes, ears, sinuses, or teeth. True relaxation and peace of mind are elusive under this name.
