

ooOOOOoo.. she’s got a new design.. purty, ja? well, i like it. it’s better in IE5, ’cause Netscape sucks. i think its still ok in netscape, you just get what looks like a single background image, that scrolls away, whereas in IE, its static.. shrug if anyone notices any odd things happening, email me.. lotsa new little things to read, but don’t try the bio page, i haven’t written that one yet. i still feel like i’m in too much of an early-mid-life crisis to write that. i’ll get over it. i’ll try to write that tomorrow morning when i have a brain.

i’ve written the bio. go ahead. read my life story 🙂

right now, i’m tired. today was pretty exhausting. good though.. we had a discussion on rejection, specifically as it applies to writers, though we also discussed how other arts industries correlate, or don’t. being the only ‘artist’ in the group, i noticed a lot of differences in the forms of rejection we ‘suffer’, and how we usually cope with it. that is, we don’t 😀 i won’t go into it any further, i really can’t think at the moment.

we also went through another acting workshop this afternoon.. i’m loving it. honestly. i can’t get enough of it. if i go on about it much more, i’ll bore you all to tears, and frustrate myself, cause i’m not out there at the moment (even though it’s the middle of the night). so i’ll shut up about it.

site news: after 9ug became the latest dead.com, i’ve found yet another server, and uploaded the newly redesigned version of the same site i had before. whee! the link is up top-right, in the navigation panel..


AAAH! sheesk. i was hearing rattling from somewhere.. and i was just about to get up and go see what the hell it was, when princess walked in.. scared the hell out of me. yes, i’m always this jumpy. i’m so easy to fright. my mother’s the same. so is my cat….

damn. meant to call mum tonight. remind me to do that tomorrow night..

ohkaay, now i’m babbling to myself about ‘to do lists’……. must sleep.
