when it rains, it pours.

when it rains, it pours.

so last night i went to Katrina’s 23rd b’day thingy.. dinner at Fatboys, a quick stop in at Ric’s, then upstairs at The Beat. i was waiting for the bathroom at Fatboy’s, and Katrina and the blonde chick (i can’t remember her name), were talking about Sean.. the blonde was so after him.. i had noticed that Sean had been eyeing off and flirting just about every girl that was there, including me, but the blonde obviously hadn’t noticed this, and she was smitten with him. you know how sometimes, you know whats going on, but you just can’t bring yourself to burst their bubble? that’s how i felt.. i didn’t say anything.. who knows, it might work out for her.. pigs might fly, too, but who am i to say that’s not possible?

oh, M, if you’re reading this, remind me to tell you about her button fly jeans.. you’ll LOVE that story…

after dinner, and cake, and all that, we go nextdoor to Ric’s, there was this guy singing (i can’t remember his name, either).. beautiful voice, but NOT the right mood. it was all soft and depressing folkish type of stuff.. lovely, but blargh-inducing.. i was walking (correction.. squeezing my way through the crowd) towards the bar, and i felt this hand travel down my back and over my ass. i turn around, and its a girl that i knew a few years ago.. she hit on me once, and i turned her down (well.. uhh.. i’m straight. sorry.) so i smiled, said heya, and kept going to the bar.. i found Pattie at the bar, and said to her “I’ve GOTTA get out of here”. she agreed. the music was getting to her, too. we found the others, told them we were off to The Beat, and they all followed.

So we get to The Beat.. and we’re all on the dance floor.. and.. this guy starts talking to the blonde girl.. then she leans over to me, wraps her arms around my waist and whispers in my ear “This guy’s hitting on me, i think, if we act like a couple, he might go away”.. needless to say, it didn’t work.. he then thought he might be able to get in on the ‘action’ (of which there was none..) but anyway, eventually, he went away.

there’s more yet…

well, to cut a long story short, i ended up giving Ben my cell phone number. i have no idea who Ben is, what he does, or even how old he is, except that he’s young, blonde and beautiful. and he can dance. very well. but i’m not waiting on the phone to ring. i doubt he’ll call, and it won’t bother me in the least.

Pattie and Ewan decide to go home, then Katrina and the blonde chick decide to head back to Ric’s, then Princess and i figure, ‘stuff it.. time to go’.. so we get home.. i got online to check my mail and what, and Archie’s online…… fear. drunk (and stupid), i told Archie about the dream i had about him in 1997….. he asked why i’d never mentioned it before, and i said “well, i didn’t know if i should tell you..” all he said to that was.. “..don’t be shy! you can talk to me..” and later.. “always listen to your dreams”

now, being someone that ALWAYS reads between the lines, it made me start wondering about Archie.. he was always a guy that was just reserved enough to seem out of reach.. and i never really felt like i could approach him… not that i thought he was ‘out my league’ .. just.. distant.. i could never get a clear reading on what he was thinking, or wanted..

eh, who knows… maybe one day i’ll ask him that…. maybe…