Steven rang me! he’ll be here thursday! i can’t wait to see him. i’m so goddamn excited, i can barely contain myself.

(btw, i’m somewhat drunk, so i apologise for any typos and/or bad grammar that follows.)

he wants to spend a few days on moreton island, so i’ll be away for a few days, but i will be taking the cam, so i’ll have plenty of pics to show.. i love moreton. it’s a beautifully simple island. woohoo! he’ll also be here for the opening of the artbeat launch show! i can’t believe that. he’s never been to a show of mine before… not for lack of will or interest, but simply bad timing. he lives 1700km away, and he’s never been in Brisbane at the right time.

i haven’t seen Steven since i had a 3 hr rendezvous with him about a year ago. prior to that, damn, i can barely remember.. i think he was down here mid-’99. i miss him like hell.

i can’t explain our relationship in simple terms… he’s the brother i never had, he’s been my best friend for as long as i can remember knowing him, yet, he’s more than that. he’s like the missing half of me. what little time i ever get with him, is like finally finding myself, finally feeling complete. finally knowing myself. because what I don’t know, he does. i can only pray that he feels the same.. though, inherently, i know he does feel the same. i don’t have to question that with him. i NEVER have.

i’m SO looking forward to seeing him. i need him.

hell. i need myself.

[tangent] i wish that would stop trying to access port 4751. i’m sorry dear, whoever you are, but i have a firewall that blocks such accesses, so stuff it! (you’d think that after 30 attempts on the same port, he/she’d give up…..)

back to steve: i was watching my tape of DAAS Kapital when he called. he loves DAAS as much as i do.. we grew up on them together. i remember one particular afternoon, we were walking from school, into town.. we were both as hyper as we could get, just singing DAAS song lyrics all the way. its a fabulous memory.

[tangent] wtf? have i got “come haX0r me” written all over my IP address tonight? shoo, you fools.

so i was sitting, curled up on the lounge under a blanket, and i heard my cell phone ring.

“what are you up to?”

“watching DAAS Kapital, drinking a few beers. what are you doing?”

“HAHAHA that’s fantastic. i haven’t seen that show in years. me? i’m packing.”

