

well, i know i had a weird fucked up dream, but i can’t remember it now.. i was woken up with the promise of pancakes, and all memory of the dream disappeared. (whee!) probably a good thing..

i think i’ll ring lou and talk to her about the ‘manifesto’ tomorrow, after i talk to VGW.. i think i’d like to know that i have a better option, before i tell lou to stuff it. plus i could do with the extra time to consider my response to it.. i let a rant pass though my fingers yesterday afternoon, but i think i should be somewhat more refined when i confront her with this.. maniacally ranting about socialism and the artist ego probably wouldn’t leave her with the impression of someone who knows what they’re saying. even though i do. i might even post my response to it at angelish or something.

i haven’t woken up properly yet, so forgive me if this isn’t quite coherent. ooh, pancakes.. bbl..